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The love from hate

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April 29, 2024
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The love from hate











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"Vincent, please, I can’t take the medicine. I really need this baby! Our baby!"’
Alora Lux knelt on the ground with tears all over her face, crying and begging the man to change his idea.
"Take the medicine immediately."
Vincent, however, said coldly: "There is only one woman that qualifies to bear my baby, and it’s not you but Violet."
"Alora, you are the most vicious woman I have ever seen!"
At their boss's order, two bodyguards loyally walked towards Alora.
"Vince, do you have to go this far?"
Alora looked at the man with another woman in his arms, incredibly and mournfully: "I am your wife! And the baby in my belly is also your baby!"
"My wife?"
Sneered Vincent with hatred: "If you hadn't climbed onto my bed in a mean way two years ago, it should have been Violet!"
"As for the baby…"
The man's tone sounded soaked with venom: "Who knows if he's of my blood? Perhaps he is a ba-stard you have with another man!"
Alora could not help stepping back, and she was deeply wrapped by a sense of helplessness.
She knew Vincent never accepted her as his wife, but she never knew that his impression of her would be so stuffed with prejudice.
How could he doubt her loyalty…
Before Alora could make through the damage Vincent's words brought her, the two bulky bodyguards had stood on her sides and reached out.
"Get your hand off me!"
Alora straightened her back to preserve her last dignity: "I can walk myself.
"Escorted" by the bodyguards, she got into a car.
Looking at the scenery outside the window which kept flashing back, Alora was boiled with worry.
If she could not find a way to escape before the car arrived, she would lose her baby forever!
Suddenly, a wave of acute pain from her stomach came to Alora's senses.
She knew it was the abortion soup that began to work: Though she managed to vomit some of it, the residual liquid was still lethal to her child.
Alora instinctively asked the bodyguards for help.
The two strong guys, however, stayed where they were like two motionless statues, ignoring Alora by tacit agreement.
When the car stopped in front of the hospital, the seat under Alora had been painted all red by her blood.
After a brief eye contact, the two bodyguards finally moved.
Regardless of Alora's pale face and bleeding body, they brutally pulled her off the car and along the road, leaving two lines of harrowing blood paths on the ground.
The fact proves that the two bodyguards were as cruel as their boss.
In a state between soberness and unconsciousness, Alora felt herself put on a bed and pushed into a room.
"Our boss wants the woman aborted in a non-anesthesia state."
The bodyguard's voice came into Alora's ears: "And he wants her womb cut as soon as possible."
"I see."
A woman's voice sounded.
Alora managed to open her eyes, and then captured a glimpse of white clothes.
She suddenly recovered some strength and grabbed the doctor's hand: "Please save my baby! He should not die like this!"
"I'm sorry, Miss Lux."
The doctor apologetically explained: "You have taken something…uh…bad for the baby, so…"
She did not finish the words, but what she implied was more than obvious.
"I understand."
The light in Alora's eyes gradually faded, soon turning her eyes into two lifeless blackholes.
She closed her eyes, shedding tears of despair: "You can start the surgery."
"Miss Lux, the abortion can be very painful, so you don't have to feel sorry for screaming. "
The doctor sighed and began her surgery.
Feeling all kinds of cold surgical instruments in and out of her body, Alora did not make a sound.
The pain was heart-biting, but was nothing compared to her baby's death.
She even did not have time to know whether that little life was a boy or a girl!
In a trance, Alora heard a childish voice begging her for help.
"Mom, it hurts so much…I don't want to die…"
Feeling the baby taken away from her bit by bit, Alora could only close her eyes more tightly.
It was all her fault.
It was her powerlessness and extravagant fantasy about Vincent that got her baby killed…