7 min read

Real Love with A Fake Gay

Published on
April 29, 2024
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Real Love with A Fake Gay











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Back to Richard’s mansion
When a magnified handsome face appeared in front of Caroline, a scream pierced through the early morning silence!
"Who are you?!" Caroline hugged the quilt and hid at the foot of the bed.
The corners of the man's mouth gently rose. He looked at the frightened "deer" in front of him, and he could not help but thinking of what happened last night.
Last night, she trembled beneath him, and her whimpers still echoed in his ears.
"When you were clinging on me and forcing me to sle*ep with you, why didn't you ask me who I was?" Richard asked
Richard lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He only wore a pair of shorts and his long, strong legs, and honey-colored muscles were on display in front of her eyes.
She had to admit, this man's body was perfect! There was no trace of fat at all and the outline of his muscle made her mouth water.
It was her first time to see a nak*ed man alive.
Caroline covered her eyes with one hand, "Who the hell are you?"
Richard unhurriedly dressed. After he dressed, he picked up the marriage paper on the nightstand and showed it in front of her face.
Caroline looked at it, eyes wide. The handwriting was Leo's but the name on it was Richard Preston!
She looked at the paper and then looked at the man in front of her. This man and Leo looked really alike but he was a little older than Leo.
Richard snatched the paper from Caroline's hands.
"I'm going to British today and I'll be back in a week. You can stay here for the time being, and I believe that Leo will tell you everything you want to know,"
After saying that, Richard smiled and walked out of the bedroom with the marriage license.
Caroline, alone, dazed and dumbfounded, has not yet understood what the hell was going on.
As soon as Richard went downstairs, he saw Leo hovering in the foyer.
"Un...uncle..." Leo said.
"Leo Ellis, you stole my identity document to register marriage and got so drunk in the pub," Richard said.
"I..." Leo said in fear.
Richard swept a glance at his nephew with a killing aura, and Leo immediately swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue.
"She has not gotten up yet. You come to her later," After saying that, Richard stepped away with his long legs and his secretary, who had been waiting for him for a long time, followed Richard respectfully.
A knock on the door outside. A man asked, "Carol, are you dressed? I'm coming in!"
It was Leo's voice.
"Come on in!" Just in time, she had a score to settle with him!
As soon as Leo opened the door, a pillow hit him in the face.
"Leo! You explain to me! What the hell is going on here?!" Caroline asked furiously.
"Calm down. I can explain," Leo said.
"Explain now! Yesterday we agreed that you and I go to get a license so I can take my revenge on them! How come I'm someone else's wife now?" Caroline asked.
There were countless question marks hovering around Caroline Fowler's head!
Leo scratched his head, "I took the wrong card yesterday, to be exact, I stole the wrong card."
"You stole it?" Caroline patted her head, "I'm confused now. Why do you need to steal your identity card?"
Leo sat on the big bed, "It's a long story. Richard....he is my uncle. I sneaked off to Italy at once and he found out. So he withheld my passport, driver's license and other documents. I was drunk yesterday, so I must steal his identity card by mistake."
"Richard Preston is your uncle?" Caroline seemed to have discovered a new continent and asked, "Is he that one you called Uncle Lucifer?"
Leo nodded his head.
"My God! Really?!" Caroline was shocked.
This was a fact that Leo was extremely reluctant to admit!
Caroline turned her eyeballs.
"But don't worry. My uncle now has no time to pay attention to you, and when he returns, he will divorce you. As for your sister and your ex-fiancé, after a while, I will absolutely give them some lesson!"
Leo stretched out three fingers to the sky, swearing.
After saying that, he quietly bumped Caroline's arm, "My uncle is a gay. He definitely didn't do anything to you last night."